Eternal Lovers
Precursor to Love Poems
Eternal Lovers
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Here is a quick description of book Eternal Lovers by Ilda Kunic which was published in 14.02.2024.
Full Book Name: Eternal Lovers - Precursor to Love Poems (Trilogy Series)
Author Name: Ilda Kunic
Book Genre: Poetry
Date of Publication: 14.02.2024.
The book Eternal Lovers is the prelude to the entire poetry collection called Love Poems, presenting a love story that has no boundaries, no end, flowing through magical, captivating, alluring, and mesmerizing poems and multidimensional illustrations. Originally, this book, Eternal Lovers, was created after all three books were completed in the trilogy series Love Poems. This might sound a little bit unnatural that I wrote this book as the last, and it is supposed to be the first as a precursor; however, I got this idea after I finished writing the trilogy, and I felt intuitively it should be done this way. All the poems in this book, Eternal Lovers, were written in 2023.
The book is composed of 25 main poems and two poems as the intro and outro to the book, there are also two bonus poems, giving glimpses into the story of all three books and interplaying experiences and feelings of the entire journey.
Aesthetically, this book comes in a black edition, while the trilogy books are coming in white editions.
The Eternal Lovers collection contains 18 illustrations in full color of astral, starry, cosmic visions. This collection stands as an introduction to the books Rose From The Moon, The Four Seasons, and Rainbow.
Maybe you won't understand my poetry, but I hope that my poems and art will help you to understand yourself, or maybe will help you to find a spark and love within yourself, or perhaps inspiration, motivation, or simply any kind of magic and beauty.